Liquid Asset Search for Individuals or Businesses
Our Liquid Assets Search includes a search for, sources of income (business operations and source of revenue) or employment, real estate holding and personal property, unclaimed property, business ownership, bank account search, safe deposit boxes (for an additional fee), Financial asset search, investment accounts (for an additional fee), and credit history (for an additional fee). Your report will also include a civil lawsuit search, bankruptcy search, social media search and Internet search. We will need the subject’s current or last-known address, full name and Social Security Number or the business name, address, and the tax id.
We need the subject’s FULL individual or business tax identification number. For an individual, this is the Social Security Number. For a business, this is the FEIN. If a full Social Security Number is not provided, we must charge an additional $75.00 to find the correct number. For a business FEIN, the additional charge will be $150.00. If full, accurate Social Security Number or FEIN is provided, this extra fee is waived.
We cannot obtain domestic banking or investment institution information in violation of federal banking privacy laws pertaining to banks and investment institutions, including without limitation the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, commonly known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; and, in particular, the financial privacy rules codified at 15 U.S. Code §§ 6801-6809; and the provisions of 15 USC §§ 6821-6827, and related statutes.
Recent federal legislation has made obtaining bank account information more challenging. Some investigators will tell you the Graham-Leach-Bliley restrictions have made asset search bank account investigations impossible. Not true! But it does take some thorough investigation work, and there are stringent limits on how the information is obtained. There are legal methods of obtaining this information. Sometimes it takes a little extra time. Hiring a private investigator like us to act as your asset search company will help you get the results you may be looking for.
You must provide us with all known accounts when you submit the request. This is a statewide search. Nationwide asset investigation services are available for an additional fee. Contact us for a quote.
If investment account information is desired, we will need to quote a separate, additional charge. Please contact our office to make arrangements so we can conduct this additional investigative work.
Your order always includes a written report of our findings. Average turnaround time for this search is 3-7 business days.