Locate Search (Basic Skip Trace)

The most common request we get is for a locate search—sometimes called a “skip trace.” This investigation seeks the most basic information about a person or a business, i.e., a known and confirmed address. In our highly-mobile society, it is a daily occurrence for people and business entities to move from city to city, state to state, even from country to country. And some people or business entities, seeking to avoid financial obligations, deliberately try to remain “under the radar,” and live or do business day to day without a determinable physical address.

This kind of investigation depends most of all on quality information from the client. A full name, birth name, middle name, Social Security Number or business FEIN, past addresses, employers—these are all elements of a successful locate search. Since we are trying to fill in the one big hole in an individual’s or business profile—a physical location and address—we need as much information as we can get. Our client is usually the best source for this backup information. As we sometimes have to advise our clients—the information we can access depends on the information we are provided. Thus, when ordering a locate search, give us as MUCH information about the subject as you possibly can.

Search for a plaintiff, defendant, witness, debtor, business entity, heir, friend, relative, or employee.

The locate search always includes a written report of our findings. If we cannot find the individual or business entity sought, we will recommend further steps or items of information that could help reveal the subject’s or business entity’s current physical whereabouts.


  • The price does not apply to searches based on limited information supplied by our client, or with stale or old information, or if the person or business entity sought is running from the law, is in hiding, or in the case of a homeless person. This price also does not apply to any locate search attempted on an individual or business entity which has moved within the last 30 days. We have additional, fee-based searches that we can implement in these cases. Locate searches in the listed categories can be provided, but are fee-based, price quoted on an individual basis.
  • We cannot obtain any information in violation of federal banking privacy laws pertaining to banks and investment institutions, including without limitation the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, commonly known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; and, in particular, the financial privacy rules codified at 15 U.S. Code §§ 6801-6809; and the provisions of 15 USC §§ 6821-6827, and related statutes.
Locate Search ( Basic) – $175.00 No Hit Fee $75.00

Our average turnaround time for these searches is 1-3 business days.