Employment Search – (Sources of Income)

Any basic asset investigation includes an employment search. Most people work for a living, and those that own businesses leave multiple tracks to follow as well. The goal is always to find a source of revenue—whether it be to collect a debt, file a personal injury lawsuit, or even enforce an old judgment with a wage garnishment (called an Earnings Withholding Order in California).

And in family law cases, there may be issues involving health insurance coverage, 401k retirement plan contributions, and continuance of health insurance after spouses split.

This search will also include a search for self-employment, unemployment benefits or disability. If we find any of these sources of income on a subject we consider this a positive result, and the fee is earned.

All of these issues can be the subject of one of our employment searches. We can usually obtain a current work telephone number, and with a variety of techniques can confirm current employment. Obtaining benefits information can take a little longer, but we can usually find out the coverage available to and/or in place for the individual who is the target of your investigation.

Our Employment Searches always includes a written report of our findings.

Note: We cannot obtain any information in violation of federal banking privacy laws pertaining to banks and investment institutions, including without limitation the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, commonly known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; and, in particular, the financial privacy rules codified at 15 U.S. Code §§ 6801-6809; and the provisions of 15 USC §§ 6821-6827, and related statutes.

Employment Search – $250.00 No Hit Fee $100.00

Our turn-around time for this report is 1 to 2 business days.